



高達美詮釋學性哲思生成史中,黑格爾思想所具效應歷史性作用十分關鍵,卻至今未受學界探討。本文處理由高達美哲思源生起至《真理與方法》完成前、哲學詮釋學發展各階段中黑格爾思想之影響及其攝納,亦即:一、 在高達美早期哲思啟始中,黑格爾思潮之效應歷史、尤其對其哲學體系各種批判之效應對高達美基源問題–真理問題–之刺激,以及黑格爾《邏輯科學》與《哲學史講義》中所展現純粹思辨活動對高達美哲思之吸引;二、在高達美師從海德格後,開始對黑格爾思想、尤其是在一九三九年〈黑格爾與歷史性精神〉一文中對《精神現象學》之研究、特別是對精神之歷史性與客體性精神學說之攝納,以及在一九四三年〈現代德國哲學中之歷史問題〉一文中將其攝納轉化為哲學詮釋學核心理論之前型︰歷史之效應關聯脈絡與我你關係;三、在《真理與方法》即哲學詮釋學之理論構思中,客體性精神具體形態之揭示–傳統、權威、logoi之連續體–,以及對黑格爾思辨**語句論之先行攝納而預示哲學詮釋學之存有學範疇:語言。在此整個發展過程中,高達美對海德格有限性此有理解之歷史性及黑格爾客體性精神之歷史性兩者之攝納而產生的哲思內在張力關係及其理論性調解之互動發展遂形成此生成史之主要動態脈絡。






Gadamer’s Hermeneutics and Hegel’s Dialectic:

The Hegel-Receptions in the Genesis of Gadamer’s Philosophical Hermeneutics

Jing-Jong Luh


Although the “effective-historical” influence of Hegel’s thought possesses a key position in the genesis of Gadamer’s hermeneutical philosophy, this theme has not been investigated until now. This essay deals with the influence of Hegel’s thought on Gadamer and Gadamer’s reception of this thought during the developmental stages of his philosophy, i.e., from its origin to the time before the completion ofTruth and Method.

1.In the beginning developmental stages of Gadamer’s philosophy, the “effective-history” aspect of Hegel’s thought, especially the effect of various criticisms about Hegel’s whole philosophical system, stimulates the initial question, i.e., the “truth-problematic”. Gadamer’s thinking was also attracted by the intellectual movement of pure speculation, which is expounded upon in Hegel’sScience of LogicandLecture on the History of Philosophy.

2.After Gadamer studied with Heidegger, he began his Hegel research. In Gadamer’s essay of 1939,Hegel and the Historical Spirit, he reviews hermeneutically Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit. This essay shows that he accepted Hegel’s idea regarding the historic nature of the spirit and the theory of the objective spirit. In his essay of 1943, The Problem of History in the New German Philosophy, Gadamer takes Heidegger’s ideas and transforms Hegel’s theory into his own philosophical hermeneutics: the effective-coherence (or effective-correlation) of history and the relationship between “I and You”.

3.Gadamer wrote two essays during the conception ofTruth and Method (his book which outlines his philosophical thought) which helps us to see his process of thought. The first is the essay of 1953,The Truth in the Human Sciencewhere he sets forth the concrete form of the objective spirit i.e., tradition, authority, and the continuity of logoi. In the second essay which was written in 1955,What is the Truth, he integrates Hegel’s theory of the speculative sentence with his philosophical hermeneutics and projects its model of the dialogical dialectics of question and answer. Through this he anticipates the ontological category of philosophical hermeneutics, that of language.

In the whole process, Gadamer’s reception of both Heidegger’s historic nature of understanding by the finite Dasein and Hegel’s historic nature of the objective spirit causes tension in his philosophy. His endeavour to mediate theoretically between both approaches constitues the central dynamic context of Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics.











Keywords: historic nature, historic, “Dasein”, the objective spirit, “Andersheit (otherness), love, truth, hermeneutics, dialectic, effective-history



* 本文乃作者博士論文第一章之一專題的再反省與再發展,曾於八十八年五月三日在台灣大學哲學研究所以演講形式初步發表。今並經由兩位專業匿名評審先進於內容上的肯定,以及其在文字譯詞、分段結構與註解體例等形式方面諸多珍貴指教,已據之相應地修訂,特此致謝。

** 德原文中之spekulativSpekulation在中文翻譯中通常以“思辨”譯之,蓋取其音似而意亦近也。有位評審建議他譯之,意在避免“思辨”中“辨”字所可能帶來知性分辨能力之聯想。經筆者反覆思量,決定基於“思辨”一詞之通用性而暫先保留此譯名。
