












A Critical Evaluation of Carnap's The Logical Construction of the World via Husserl's Phenomenology of Logic

Wen-Sheng Wang


The chief purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast Logical Positivism with Husserl's Phenomenology in respect to the issue of the meaning of logic and that of the nature of scientific world. More specifically, it is to provide a comprehensive review of Carnap's The Logical Construction of the World (Der Logische Aufbau der Welt) in the light of Husserl’s Phenomenology of Logic. It is discovered that even though Carnap and Husserl both regard logic and scientific world as ideal objects, the two philosophers nonetheless hold distinctive views on the manner how they understand those objects. This divergent understanding may decide what and how the human beings are in the world. The divergence has its root deep in their different conceptions of the significance of the Life-Factor or the Logic-Factor involved in the meaning of logic and the construction (or constitution) of scientific world.







KeywordsLogic, Husserl, Carnap, Phenomenology, Logical Positivism, Philosophy of Science



* 本文為87年度國科會研究計畫「作為自然科學哲學之胡塞爾現象學與邏輯實證論間的差異 從邏輯建構的觀點來看」(計畫編號:NSC 87-2411-H-004-010) 成果之主要部分,在此謹向國科會之補助致謝。此外也要感謝兩位匿名審查人的仔細閱讀及所提的寶貴意見。