
















Memory or Oblivion of a Trauma?

– An Investigation of the Phenomenology of time


This paper starts from the discussion of some psychologists and sociologists.  They ask whether an individual/a collective memory of a depressed trauma awake an affective fact or historical fact.

After then, Husserl and Heideggers’ phenomenology of time is the topic in this paper. Their treatment of temporal and historical consciousness should be observed on the practical level by the ground of the fundamental mood of evasion and ascent.

In Heidegger’s viewpoint, the memory develops from the oblivion of Being. Thus, the authentic temporality or super-history comes to the inauthentic temporality or history. It means that the evasive mood and the affective fact in dread for death are hold by Heidegger in high estimation. But the ascending mood and the historical fact are hold in low estimation.

Husserl goes from the Heideggerian memory and forms the theory of inner time-flux. And thus, the Husserlian memory and oblivion are built. It appears that the ascending mood, love of life and tolerance, the astonishment and rationality, which constitute a beginning of the history, are respected by Husserl in high value.

Only when the evasion plays a role of guidance on the direct way to turn the inauthentic situation into the authentic, the ascent lets the inauthentic situation indirectly through the history approach to the authentic. Under the combination of these two fundamental moods, Heidegger and Husserl, an analyst and a savior, are jointed together. If they would response to the above discussions of some psychologists and sociologists, they will argue that the memory of trauma can awake both affective and historical fact. Especially the collective memory does either under the rationality and tolerance as the conditions of democracy.

This paper tries to make a dialog between psychology/sociology and philosophy. 




Keywords: time, history, trauma, memory, oblivion, evasion, ascent, phenomenology, Husserl, Heidegger, Freud, collective memory, fundamental mood



* 本文源於政大哲學系舉辦之「第三屆人文社會科學哲學基礎研討會」所提論文,為求更通暢起見,筆者對之稍做了句讀文筆的處理。在此也謹向二位匿名審查人所提出之評論致謝。其中有以大乘佛學與本文中的一些論說及概念相互發凡者,它們激起了筆者更深刻的思緒,也使此文向更廣闊問題性的界域去開放。筆者也將針對一些審查意見或疑惑在相關的文本註腳內提出回應。