













On the World-view and its Cross-culture Interaction


Ray-lin Tsai



The aim of this article is to discuss two kinds of world-view, and reflect on the cross-cultural interaction and its actual problems. The first kind of world-view is based on the Europe position, which explains the world with the structure of center-and-periphery. This position gives the European an Orientalism and consists of certain cultural imperialism. The second kind of world-view, which derived from Chinese tradition, interprets the world with the structure of Chinese-and-barbarians and its essence consists of a culture ethnic nationalism. Both of these two world-views have the same embarrassed situation, and the key point of a way out of its is to find out their localities with the post colonialist statements. Therefore, the conclusion is that the authentic essence of culture is nothing but its locality.




Keywords:  world-view, post-colonialist statement, chinese ethnic nationalism, cross-cultural interaction, locality