


本論文主要內容在介紹、討論、評述當代廣義的詮釋學及詮釋理論當中的若干最新發展,特別是以德國Hans Lenk教授的方法學詮釋論(methodologischer Interpretationismus)以及Günter Abel教授的詮釋哲學(Interpretationsphilosophie)這兩套新學說為例。前者偏重的是以認知理論和行為理論的現代新說做為出發點,重新把詮釋學說放置回方法學的探討及效用範圍,從而建立一套具實用主義視野,而且能夠積極運作的先驗詮釋論。後者則強烈關心系統哲學的重建任務,由他早年(1984/85)尼采研究中對詮釋活動關鍵性地位的發現,探討系統哲學中有關詮釋、認知、真理、實在等重要觀念,最後形成一套完全以詮釋致知活動為主軸的、高度體統化的詮釋哲學新說。

本論文前言及第I節論述一般詮釋學的發展新趨勢;第II和第III兩節分別引介、評述兩位德國哲學家的新學說內容;第IV節則是對兩位學者1988年間在Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie上關於詮釋哲學專題討論的一場爭議進行研究;最後到第V和第VI節再從當代詮釋學思想整體進展上利弊得失的角度,對這兩種新的詮釋理論給予高度肯定,尤其看中它們能夠在歐陸哲學發展與英美分析哲學之際搭建互通橋樑,全面性由詮釋觀點整合哲學課題的努力。


    關鍵字Hans LenkGünter Abel、詮釋學、詮釋論、詮釋哲學、方法學、詮釋、圖式、圖式化、真理、實在、存有學





Hermeneutics, Interpretationism, Philosophy of Interpretation

Ting-Kuo Chang


This paper is a survey if some newest developments in the whole field of hermeneutics or theories of interpretation. Two of the most interesting philosophies of interpretation in the 80’s and early 90’s are highlighted in it. The first is the methodological interpretationism advocated by Hans Lenk, and a second is the new philosophy of interpretation developed by Günter Abel.

In the first section I discuss the condition of recent development in hermeneutics in its widest sense. Than in the second and third section I introduce respectively in some details the new theories of interpretation of Hans Lenk and Günter Abe, and consequently in the fourth section the debate between the two German scholars in Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 1988. Than finally in the concluding sections I evaluate these new contributions to interpretation theories and point out that their renewed emphases on methodology and system construction serve not only as a complement to the mainly historically oriented philosophical hermeneutics, but also make it possible for a very constructive dialogue between the continental European philosophy on the one side and the analytical philosophy on the other side.


Keywords: Hans Lenk, Günter Abel, hermeneutics, interpretationism, methodological interpretationism, philosophy of interpretation, interpretation, schema, schematization, reality, ontology