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Wen-Sheng Wang




This paper shows first the reference and the importance of the thesis “paradox of the subjectivity” in Husserl’s phenomenology. The reason from which it originates is then to be explained. In comparison with it, Heidegger’ and Kierkegaard’s philosophy in which the human being is confronted with Being or God presents an another kind of  “paradox of the subjectivity” which we understand here in a wider sense. Specially we take into account the problem of “time” treated by these three philosophers in order to see the essential reason of this paradox and the ways how they deal with it.


This paper discusses above all that the more Husserl claims to the subjectivity as the fundament of the world, the more he recognizes the paradox of the subjectivity which depends upon the world. His strong consciousness of this problem means that he understands the subjectivity very thoroughly. He treats this problem by means of that on the one hand, the subject has the partial character of the fundament of the world concerning the apodictic general structure like the form of the concrete transcendental life is proved to be adequately evident only as an endless idea.


Heidegger and Kierkegaard both see that the more the human being is conscious of his own endlessness, the more he can surmount himself. As to the problem of “time” the “moment” signifies the touch between the human being and Being or God each other. The “moment” is filled with the consciousness of anxiety and sin. But when the human being finds his own endlessness signified by this, he can overcome thos.


Keywords: paradox of the subjectivity, Husserl, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, the time-consciousness, moment, anxiety, sin